Give your feedback

You can give your feedback by filling in our online form or you can contact us by:

Online feedback form

How we treat your feedback

  • All compliments will be fed back to the relevant areas and shared with staff.
  • All suggestions will be taken to the appropriate forum for review, discussion and consideration.
  • All complaints will be reviewed and if you've chosen to give us your contact information, we'll let you know about any action taken and/or decisions made.

We value all types of feedback and will always review your complaints and provide a response.

Complaints will be treated confidentially and will not negatively impact the care you receive.

Read about how we keep your information safe on the Queensland Government website.

What you need to know before making a complaint

You can make a complaint if you’re not happy with the service you’ve received. You can also make a complaint on behalf of someone else with their consent.

Before making a formal complaint, we recommend you discuss your concerns with the staff looking after you. You can also ask to speak to the Nurse Unit Manager, Team Leader or Director of Nursing in rural facilities.

If you make a formal complaint, a staff member assigned to your complaint will aim to contact you within 5 working days. We’ll then do an internal review and let you know the outcome within 35 days.

If you’re not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, you may also contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman.

Raise concerns about a patient's health (Ryan's Rule)

If you have concerns about a patient in hospital who is getting worse or not improving, you can use Ryan's Rule to get help.

For more information, go to the Clinical Excellence Queensland web page, Ryan's Rule.