Contact details
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8 am to 5 pm
Street address
1 Burns St
Alpha Qld 4724
Postal address
1 Burns St
Alpha Qld 4724
Visiting hours
You can visit the general ward everyday from 8 am to 8 pm.
Read more about visiting someone in hospital.
Visiting outside of hours
If you're unable to visit during normal visiting hours, we may be able to arrange another time for you to visit. Phone the hospital ward 07 4809 7000 to see what we can do.
Residential aged care
Alpha Multipurpose Health Service has residential aged care available on site.
Please call 4809 7000 for information.
Plan your visit
Information to help you plan your visit to Alpha Multipurpose Health Service
There is street parking available on Burns Street.
A vending machine with snacks and drinks is available.
The pharmacy only supplies medications prescribed by doctors for inpatients and patients seen in the emergency department.